Kaňon Tazı je hlboké údolie – jedno z najmalebnejších prírodných miest Turecka. Nachádza v národnom parku Köprülü a práve most postavený počas rímskej okupácie Turecka stojaci dodnes dal pomenovanie celému národnému parku. Jeho steny sú vysoké až 400 metrov. Je uznávaný ako jeden z najvyšších kaňonov na svete.
Tazi Canyon Zipline je najdlhšou európskou a najvyššou lanovkou na svete s výškou 410 metrov. Pozostáva z 3 liniek, z ktorých každá je dlhá 1960 metrov.
V údolí už viac ako tisíc rokov tečie rieka Eurymedon dnes (Köprüçay). Údolie sa tiež kedysi nazývalo ako „Údolie múdrosti“ a pomenovali ho šamani, ktorí túto oblasť obývali. V tejto oblasti patrí medzi obľúbené aktivity najmä rafting.
Tazı Canyon is a deep valley – one of the most picturesque natural places in Turkey. It is located in the Köprülü National Park, and it was the bridge built during the Roman occupation of Turkey that is still standing today that gave the name to the entire national park. Its walls are up to 400 meters high. It is recognized as one of the highest canyons in the world. Tazi Canyon Zipline, which is Europe’s longest and the world’s highest zipline with a height of 410 meters, consisting of 3 lines, each of which is 1960 meters long, was established in 2021 by Extreme Works, which has signed many projects and applications. The river Eurymedon has been flowing in the valley for more than a thousand years today (Köprüçay). The valley was also once called the „Valley of Wisdom“ and was named by the shamans who inhabited the area. Popular activity in this area is rafting.
CREDITS: Tazı Kanyonu Zipline, Ömer Öztürk, Me & You by Aden